The Thorold Co-Operative Nursery School Inc. (TCNS) program strives to deliver stimulating learning experiences in an environment that promote the health, safety, nutrition and well-being of all children. This is the foundation of quality child care. This enhancement happens throughout a child’s daily routine which incorporates a balance of indoor and outdoor play, as well as active play and quiet time giving consideration to the individual needs of the children. Children flourish in all areas of development when they are in a supportive, caring environment and have positive and responsive interactions among the other children, volunteers, students and staff.
Program Statement
Program Statement

Staff, volunteers and students will implement these approaches by completing the following actions:
- A healthy check of the children upon arrival (DHC)
- Washing hands frequently
- Providing nutritional snacks
- Regularly disinfecting toys/equipment
- Adult guidance for peer to peer interactions
- Staff, volunteers, students model appropriate behaviour and support child to child interactions with conflicts
- Comfort and nurture provided when the children need help or want a hug
- We have a quiet corner with chairs and books
- Offering a variety of gross motor and fine motor (ie: trikes, pails, shovels, balls etc.)
- Active music circles encourage children to use their large muscles which help support the development of a healthy body and mind
Play is the cornerstone of our curriculum – understood to be essential to the healthy, social and cognitive development of children. The TCNS curriculum provides child–initiated and an adult-supported experiences that focuses on play-based learning, creating positive learning environments and experiences in which each child’s learning and development will be supported and based on their interests. Children will choose their own time and methods to foster exploration through play and inquire about daily happenings. We will encourage the children to interact and communicate in a positive way and support their ability to self-regulate, respect others and enjoy the pride of accomplishment. When this approach to learning takes place, along with staff’s understanding of child development, each child’s learning and individual development is supported, and as a result the child’s competence, capacity and potential are maximized.
Staff, volunteers and students will implement these approaches by completing the following actions:
- Allow for room exploration with a variety of activities for children to explore, test, and learn while playing in a classroom environment
- Open/Ended materials available for the children to explore and discover
- Encourage and Support group discussions as well as individual interaction based on the child’s interests
- Child invited to share ideas and interest with everyone
- Staff observe child’s area of interest and reflect upon it to provide experiences that encourage children to explore and ask questions
- Program posting and documentation will provide staff, children, volunteers, students and parents insight and encourage feedback about the child’s learning and activities
- Staff provide resources and a rich environment for the children to discover and experience
The TCNS believes that child development is a shared responsibility between families, staff and local community partners to support learning and development. TCNS Educators connect with children by planning and extending play, reflecting on successes, documenting and reviewing the impact of the strategies set out for the staff, volunteers, children and their families. Our educators encourage each child’s developing sense of self and their ability to see themselves as capable communicators, able to manage their emotions and behavior. We provide opportunities to foster the engagement of and ongoing communication with the parents about the program and their children.
Staff, volunteers and students will implement these approaches by the following actions:
- Daily open communication and observing daily health checks
- Evaluation of staff,
- Families receive a parent survey that they are encouraged to complete
- Family events, newsletters and monthly calendars
- Policies and Procedures reviewed
- Program Statement reviewed annually and adjust to meet our school’s needs
TCNS educators are carefully chosen and specially trained to ensure quality care. The TCNS recognizes the importance of continuous professional learning for our staff. We provide support to staff with opportunities and encourage them to attend seminars and community networking. These are made available through outreach programs and partners such as, the Niagara Region, Early Childhood Community Development Centre (ECCDC), Niagara College, Brock University, etc.

These goals will be met by the following actions:
- Staff are caring, responsive, knowledgeable and have various qualifications to provide a welcoming and inviting learning environment
- Supervisor is an RECE
- Staff will have a VSS, First Aid CPR certified, Food Handlers certificate
- Profession Development days for staff to attend workshops or meetings
- Community agencies will support staff through in house training for children with differing abilities to benefit all children
- Families encourage to give feedback on their children’s interest and accomplishments
The TCNS program creates a rich learning environment for children to reach their full potential. This approach to learning is in alignment with the Ministry of Education’s How Does Learning Happen?, a resource developed by the Ministry of Education to promote a shared understanding of what children need and what can be done to help them grow and flourish.
The Program Statement is in compliance with the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 and is also part of the Parent Handbook (beginning in September 2016)